



Trust and lasting relationships are the foundation of family, and Bob Miller considers his company, Busboom & Rauh, family. The commercial and industrial construction firm first started operation in Salina, Kansas, in 1929. Miller represents the company’s third generation of ownership. Over 90 years, the company grew to 25 employees and has developed a lasting presence in the community.

“A lot of the relationships that we have developed through our community have been through face-to-face association,” Miller said.

The company’s consistency has set it apart from the competition. Miller’s strong community relationships are the influence of generational company culture that emphasizes trust and respect between employees and clients.

“We’ve been able to retain a lot of clients over a lot of years. We’ve been through, with several companies, one or two new generations of management,” Miller said. As markets evolved, Busboom & Rauh continued to cultivate relationships by preserving its core values.

In 2018, Miller began to seriously consider selling Busboom & Rauh. He knew who he wanted for the acquisition, the only question was when.

“Hutton is the only company that I would feel comfortable turning my family and our work over to,” Miller said. “I would not have considered any other company just because I know how Hutton operates and values the people that work for them.”

Hutton’s acquisition of the company was a natural move, Miller said. He feels the two organizations share similar values and commitment to the company’s and the community’s continued success.

The Salina community trusts Bob Miller, and he trusts Hutton.